At Kihei Baptist, we adore and treasure and love the gospel, because the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). This means that the gospel is the most important news and most urgent need for all people in all the world.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul calls the gospel something that is “of utmost importance” and then he explains that the gospel message is that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.” The gospel, in its essence, is a declaration of the atoning death and victorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
All people everywhere are commanded to repent (turn from sin) and believe this glorious gospel (Mark 1:14-15). And to personally believe this gospel means to wholeheartedly receive Jesus through faith as both Savior and Lord. Please check out any of the resources listed below that help further explain the gospel:
A simple, online gospel presentation: 2 Ways To Live
Video presentations of the gospel from faithful Bible teachers:
- What Is The Gospel? by John Piper
- What Is The Gospel? by R.C. Sproul & Sinclair Ferguson
- What Is The Gospel? by Steven Lawson
- What Is The Gospel? by Voddie Baucham
- What Is The Gospel? by Alistair Begg
- What Is The Gospel? by Southern Seminary
If you have further questions about the gospel, or want to know more about Jesus, or want to speak with a pastor, please email us at office@kiheibaptist.org or fill out our connect form.