If you’re visiting us for the first time, we want you to feel welcome and loved. Here are a few commonly asked questions to help you plan your visit:
Where do I go when I arrive?
You can access parking from either E. Welakahao Road or South Kihei Road. The main entrance to the Worship Center is located in a central courtyard mauka side of the main building.
What about my kids?
At KBC, we warmly welcome families and children of all ages. We don’t mind at all for even the youngest kids to sit in service with their parents. However, we do also provide a safe, age-appropriate environment where kids have their own service with Bible time, fun crafts, and activities.
Nursery is provided on Sundays for ages 0-4 during our entire worship service. All nursery workers are trained, screened, and background-checked. In addition, all our children’s volunteers are required to go through MinistrySafe training, which helps our volunteers grow in abuse awareness and prevention.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We have no dress code. You are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable. You’ll find some dressed up and others dressed casual. Everyone’s welcome!
What about the service?
Our worship service begins at 10 am every Sunday and lasts about an hour. It includes prayer, music, and a message from God’s Word. God’s Word is central to our gathering. It’s our desire to sing the Word, read the Word, pray the Word, and preach the Word.
What about Sunday School?
We have a discipleship hour (a.k.a. Sunday School) every morning right before our worship service at 9 am. Anyone is invited to join us during this time!
Since 1984, Kihei Baptist has existed to help people see the glory and love of God and to help them become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.

We believe the Bible is God’s infallible Word, telling of who God is and who we are. The Bible on God’s authority reveals what fundamentally went wrong with the world, how to have a restored and reconciled relationship with God, and how to live for God’s great glory which brings us great joy, all based upon His work of grace and not our own self-effort or good works.
We believe the Bible was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of God the Holy Spirit and it is without errors in the original writings. It is the ultimate authority and sufficient guide for our doctrine, what we believe, and for our practice, how we live.
We believe there is only one true God, that He is real and knowable, and that He has always existed in three Persons as Father, Son, and Spirit. Each Person of the Godhead is fully God and co-equal in power, glory, eternality, and divinity.
We believe God is completely holy, perfectly just, and uncompromisingly good. We believe that the living God is unchangeable, eternal, incomprehensible, all-powerful, all-wise, all-knowing, omnipresent, infinite, absolute, self-existent, and transcendent. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. As Creator, He made all things and continues to sustain all things by the Word of His power.
We believe Jesus, God the Son, became a man to live a perfect life we could never live and die a death we deserve on the cross under God’s judgment, because our sins rightly separate us from God and make us inexcusably guilty before Him.
We believe Jesus died as a substitute sacrifice for sinners, absorbing God’s just wrath for all who believe.
We believe Jesus rose from the grave in victory over sin and death to deliver his people and destroy the works of the Devil.
We believe Jesus ascended into heaven, where He is now seated in power. He’ll one day return again, visibly, literally, and imminently, to save His people forever and to judge the world in justice.
We believe humanity was created by God in His own image and so people stand unique above all other created things. We became separated from God through Adam and Eve’s disobedience and, as a result, all of humanity is sinful in nature (sinful condition) and in practice (sinful actions). The consequences of sin mean we justly experience physical, spiritual, and eternal death.
We believe there is nothing we can do to save ourselves from the power, penalty, and presence of our personal sin. Left to ourselves, we remain helpless and hopeless, destined for God’s wrath, spiritually dead in sin, enemies of God, defying God’s rule, disobeying God’s law, and denying God’s truth. Neither good works nor baptism nor communion nor church attendance nor moral living can save any of us, because we all sin and fall infinitely short of God’s glory.
We believe that God, because of no reason except His sovereign mercy, His great kindness, and His unfathomable love, sent His Son in the fullness of time to work redemption for helpless and hopeless sinners.
We believe anyone who repents and trusts in the person and work of Jesus can be fully forgiven and have eternal life with God only on the basis of His gracious gift. Through turning from sin and trusting completely in who Jesus is and what He has done, we can receive every spiritual blessing given to God’s redeemed children, including knowing and experiencing a restored relationship with God, being saved from God’s righteous judgment, and receiving the gift of eternal life.
If you’d like a full copy of our extended statement of faith, including our church member covenant and by-laws, please feel free to request this by emailing office@kiheibaptist.org or asking in-person after a worship service.